Our Coaches
at a glance
Our trainers are always in contact with the athlete, but also in contact with each other. This enables them to plan and design training courses in a goal-oriented manner. They work closely together and exchange information regularly. It is particularly important to them to realize the individual wishes and visions of the drivers and thus to achieve the maximum performance for everyone.

Jonas Friedrich
Management & Head Coach JOFR Academy
- Date of birth: 10.03.1999
- Place of residence: Oberderdingen-Großvillars
- Coaching since: 2016
- Professional athlete, state-approved clerk and youth educator
“Already when I was three, I was riding my bike around.” From the age of six with the trial bike. A friend of my father recommended this special sport to me and was just right. I quickly realized:
“That’s what I want to do.”
Trial riding was a part of my daily routine while I was still at school. In addition to school and homework, I trained up to three times a day, mostly until late in the evening. Even on the weekends, I did almost nothing else than training. My father drove me everywhere so that I could at different places and ride as many competitions as possible. So I was able to become South German Champion in my first competition season (2007) and was awarded 3rd place at the World Youth Games in 2008. Over time I developed more and more ambition, motivation and the urge for more. So my hobby turned into competitive sport. It was clear to me that one day I would like to make this sport my profession.
In 2015 I graduated from middle school. After my school days, I started a voluntary social year at the Eduard Spranger School in Oberderdingen, a school for children with intellectual disabilities. After my social year, I completed a six-month internship at Lebenshilfe. Afterwards I fulfilled myself a big dream: I lived for half a year as a trial professional and traveled through Europe to gain new experience, to train a lot and to become even better. I was able to learn from many older riders like Gilles Coustellier. I also got to know professionally structured trial schools, got acquainted with professional training planning and gained new experience every day about trial sport and the associated lifestyle.
My time as a professional ended in September 2017 and I started training as a youth and home educator with Comesdo school support. Working with children and adolescents fulfills me and I am happy and grateful for all the experiences that I have gained during my training. I will complete them in October 2020 and then focus more on my sport afterwards. Fortunately, the work and contact with children and young people will still remain.
It’s time to say thank you to the people who helped me to arrive at the point where I am now.
Thank you Mom, Dad, Nina, Grandma Ida, Ami, Oli, Jonas Kristiansen, Gilles and Family, David McFall, Raphael Pils, Dora, my few but very good friends who accept my attitude and support me. And especially thanks to those who always told me „You can’t“.
I look forward to everything that comes!

Nina Reichenbach
Trainerin & Büromanagement JOFR Academy
- Geburtsdatum: 03.02.1999
- Wohnort: Mühlacker-Lomersheim
- Als Trainer aktiv seit: 2018
- Profisportlerin, ausgeb. Industriekauffrau
“Trial ist meine größte Leidenschaft.Und wenn ich diese beim Trial-Training mit den Kids weitergeben darf, dann ist das wirklich was besonderes! Auch wenn Trial aktuell eher noch eine Randsportart ist, bietet Sie einem unglaublich viel Wissen und Erfahrung, mit dem man in allen Lebensbereichen weiterkommt!”

Jürgen serr
Mountainbike & Trial Coaching JOFR Academy
- Geburtsdatum: 15.06.1976
- Wohnort: Gemmingen
- Als Trainer aktiv seit: 2017
- MTB-Trainer C, Vater von drei Kindern
“Meine Leidenschaft zum Mountainbiken fand ich erst mit 20 Jahren, leider viel zu spät. Am Anfang ging es mir nur darum was für meine Gesundheit zu tun und in meinem Leben etwas zu ändern, was auch sehr gut funktionierte. Doch ich spürte recht schnell, dass da noch mehr Potential in mir steckte. Daher meldete ich mich 2008 nähe Heidelberg zu meinem ersten Mountainbike Rennen an.”
Well what can I say, I was rounded 2 times by 6r. It was not a nice feeling, but my ambition was packed.
Other small races and CC-Cups in our region followed.
12 years later I drove my first city race in Eppingen and now had after training units From 10 to 15 hours a week and about 15,000 to 16,000 bike kilometres a year, my first success and took 1st place. That made me incredibly proud, even if it wasn’t a significant race. From 2011 I turned my back on the CC series and passed the long-distance marathons. I quickly realized that this was my thing and gave foot very quickly here and won a race here and there and mostly stopped me in the top 20 long-distance marathons.
2013 a bike colleague appealed to me if I would not even like to take part in a 24 -hour race in Duisburg in 2014. Said and done. I ran my first 24 hours in a four team and was totally thrilled and the fever had grabbed me. In 2015 I drove my first solo race, also in Duisburg, and drove to 6th place after this race I knew exactly that I wanted to continue.